Why You Should Be Using Kool-Aid As Catfish Bait!
Using Kool-Aid as catfish bait can be one of the best, simplest, and cheapest ways to catch your limit of catfish. In this article, I’ll tell you exactly how it’s done! What Is Kool-Aid Catfish …
Using Kool-Aid as catfish bait can be one of the best, simplest, and cheapest ways to catch your limit of catfish. In this article, I’ll tell you exactly how it’s done! What Is Kool-Aid Catfish …
Many people think of catfish as lazy bottom feeders, but that is just not the case. In fact, catfish are a top predator and one of the most successful and widespread fish in the world. …
Ask any random set of anglers their opinion on catfish, and you’re likely to get two very polarizing answers: Angler 1 may say catfish are a nuisance, they’re good for nothin’ bottom feeders that taste …
The US is home to more than 30 species of catfish! However, anglers are typically after “The Big Three” – the blue catfish, the channel catfish, and the flathead catfish. In the past decade or …
One of the most common members of the bullhead family is the yellow bullhead catfish. They’re found all over North America and easy to catch…but are yellow bullhead catfish good to eat? Do they really …
Ask any group of anglers if they like to eat catfish, and you are likely to get mixed answers. In some parts of the country, catfish are served in restaurants and support a robust commercial …
It goes without saying that regular catfish are good to eat…but can you eat armored catfish? What about those spikes on their skin? How do you catch them and clean them? Do they taste good? …
If you were to rank the most popular baits for catfish, minnows would probably not rank in the top 5…or even top 10 for that matter. But why is that? We know catfish eat minnows …
Throughout the country, there are numerous ponds and lakes that are stocked with farm or hatchery-raised catfish. These are very popular destinations for fishermen and while these bodies of water are full of fish, there …
Fishing for catfish during the winter or during strong cold fronts can be challenging….And it has many anglers asking if they even bite during the winter? how do you target and catch them during cold …