Freshwater Fish Identification Quiz

One of the most important parts of being a successful and ethical angler, is fish identification.

By properly identifying fish, you learn more about their biology, preferred habitats and ultimately become a better and more informed angler.

So, how well do you know your freshwater fish?


#1. Name this species of fish

#2. Name this species of fish

#3. Name this species of fish

#4. Name this species of fish

#5. Name this species of fish

#6. Name this species of fish

#7. Name this species of fish

#8. Name this species of fish

#9. Name this species of fish

#10. Name this species of fish

#11. Name this species of fish

#12. Name this species of fish



Congratulations, you are certified fish identification expert! 

Here is related content you may be interested in (for advanced anglers):

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And Don’t forget to Join the Panfish Nation Mailing List and get your FREE Lure Color Selection Chart & Knot Guide!

Panfish Nation Lure Color Selection Chart & Knot Guide


Follow along on Instagram and share your results below!

Looks like you need to brush up on your fish identification skills!

Check out these helpful fishing identification guides:

Bluegill vs Crappie

Black Crappie vs White Crappie

Grass Carp vs Common Carp

Grass Carp vs Common Carp

Warmouth vs Rockbass

Muskie vs Pike

Sauger vs Walleye

Sauger vs Walleye

Bowfin vs Snakehead

And Don’t Forget to Join the Panfish Nation Mailing List and get your FREE Lure Color Selection Chart & Knot Guide!

Panfish Nation Lure Color Selection Chart & Knot Guide


Follow along on Instagram and share your results below!